Interior display video (FPO)
A video that combines the notion of a virtual portal and window and more expanded space revealing the actual unseen archive behind the wall. (using stock video clips for mood only)
Fulton Concourse display (draft)
A video promotion that echoes the idea of a portal/window opening through the architecture of the WTC that transports to the IBI space. Frame 1 shows wall tiles matching actual wall...
Frame 2
Wall tiles open to reveal IBI constellations
Frame 3
IBI constellations orbit and pivot. Isolate individual points from south direction of Oculus.
Frame 4
Constellation point enlarges to become view of IBI space 001 facade.
Frame 5
Constellation point enlarges to become view of IBI space 001 facade.
Frame 6
View enlarges to see video display within IBI space 001. The display similarly acts as an opening wall/portal/window to reveal the archives inside.